Thank you for your interest in Operation Empowering Hope. I am so glad you reached out to us. Covid 19 has slowed down and not as many soldiers are going into quarantine so the need for supplies there has currently slowed way down. Our focus is now on the chaplains working with soldiers in some of the barracks with the worst living conditions.
Prayer- pray for our soldiers, our chaplains, pray for our ministry and that God would open more doors for us to bless more of the chaplains on the base & reach more soldiers.
Donate individually wrapped snacks the chaplains can distribute, becoming a conduit of God's love to the soldiers and begin a relationship that could lead to salvation and life. There will be a donation barrel at Corner Fringe for the month of June.
Write letters to encourage our soldiers, this is huge and means so much to them.
Consider giving a financial donation to cover costs of shipping & other bills. Easiest way to donate is to go to the web site and click on the donate button or mail to us.
Share the ministry with those around you, encourage them to have their church or group do a donation drive or buy supplies & make encouragement bags. I can be contacted through the web site, facebook site, email, or cell 612-747-5024.
Thank you again.
Glenda Parkhurst