Check out our Printable Resources

Operation Empowering Hope Brochure
Feel free to print off and share with your Family, Work, and or church
'Thank You Soldier' Shopping List
Shopping list for the Thank You Soldier bags.
Letter Print out for 'Thank you Soldier Bags'
This Letter goes into each Thank You Soldier Bag, to let the soldier know they are appreciated, we are uplifting them in prayer, and they are not forgotten.
'Daily Survival Kit' Print out
This 'Daily Survival Kit' goes into the Thank You Soldiers Gift Bags handed out to Soldiers in our Chaplains' Units across the US and abroad.
Letter Template
Got Writers Block? No problem check out this letter template to help cure your writer's block, use these ideas and build on them to personalize your letter.
These letters mean a lot to the Soldiers away from their home, family, and friends.
Band-aid Pocket Template
Fold up and fit the band-aids into this pouch for the Thank You Soldier Bags.

Operation Empowering